Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 06 - Journals and Homework

This week is conferences, so the actual written work will be fairly light. We will, of course, still have daily journals and we will be trying something new with our reading assignments. Try to stay current with all your work- everyone is doing a good job at the moment and I'm proud of you as a class.

9/22 - Reading response from Chapter 1. After a brief class discussion, write out three separate responses (different kinds and different events) to things that you read in Chapter 1.
Homework: The Jungle pp. 22-31
9/23 - Imagine you are writing a script for a Civil War movie for modern audiences. What themes do you think would appeal to people your age and how could you make them relevant and new within the context of your movie? How would you make a historical event seem fresh and interesting to people living in the 21st century?
Homework: The Jungle pp. 31-33
9/24 - Jurgis is strong, young and healthy. He is almost certain to be able to find a job in Packingtown. Predict the kind of job he will secure and, based on that, how well he will be able to support his family. What do you think the other members of his family will do to help make ends meet?
Homework: The Jungle pp. 34-46 (due by 9/26)
9/25 - Free Write
9/26 - Quote: "Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat." - Socrates (469 BC-399 BC)
Homework: The Jungle pp. 47-60

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